Friday, January 29, 2010


Aren't Fridays great? I got to spend this day doing what I love the most. Handling client installs, figuring out problems and negotiating with truck drivers to please please drop one more load before they head back to North Carolina.

Doesn't sound like much fun? To me it is heaven. Without great work, creative clients and challenges, I would still be drowsy and sleeping. Instead, I am engaged in a fabulous day of pleasing most of my clients and getting permission to move on to the next phase.

But ahhhh. Friday is the best. The end of a crazy week. The pause in the weekend that says, it is all ahead of us. Friday nights have always given me so much joy. My kids are always excited to start the weekend. My twelve year old is in rapture just thinking about her fabulous weekend. My son who is his first year of college openly told me that the party was starting. I just warned him not to drive and to be sensible. I trust them, and I trust myself to engage in fun but not too much. To let go but not forget that Saturday morning still has to be productive.

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