Friday, February 12, 2010

Linking all Social Networks

This is a huge task to undertake. I am moving all my recommendations from Linked In to my website and to my Facebook page this weekend. It is a huge endeavor, but one must remember that the website is still the "mother ship" of online research. Technology and the acceptance of social netorking sites to research history and backgrounds of people that you might hire is a new advancement that has many people over 25 boggled. The "I don't know how to do this" response is always first. If we could be more childlike in our approach, we would find that it is truly more like play, than work. Think video game simplified. And it really is alot of fun.

I just had a friend tell me that they were totally against Facebook, and spent no time at it, until they started reconnecting with middle school, and high school friends and really had a good time doing it. It became the social part of the social networking that most people really enjoy.

So as I link my sites, and start on two new projects, I will be thankful for a respite from more snow for a couple of days.

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