Monday, February 1, 2010


Those that know me know that I am writing a book. Probably just a little book like "Tuesdays with Morie" or "The Five People You'll Meet in Heaven". Of course if I added really BIG pictures it could be a great coffee table book. But instead I think I will stay with my original topic of adult life and trauma and the transitory life of marriage today.

It is a topic that I have almost forgot all the details of. Luckily I wrote them all down. I spent my weekend reading it from front to back. It brought back a flood of thoughts. It brought back memories that are all dusty and stacked on very high shelves. It brought back my old life.

Life has a funny way of using what you have learned. It has a way of helping you with the current stuff, by giving you understanding of the older stuff. It is a gift. I continue to want to embrace it, and learn from it. It is my history. It is really gone, especially since I left Michigan and closed the door on so much. But it supports me, soothes me and helps me get to where I need to be.

So writing this little book, and having it published is a huge accomplishment that I only dreamed of four years ago. Then I was up to my nostrils in grief. I was swimming against a current of sadness, loss, and longing. Now I have learned to float to the surface and just gaze at a blue clear sky and feel good things all around me. I am creating a life around me that just keeps smiling on me and gathering up current and soft winds. It is so lovely up here.

As the book becomes its own thing. As I step away and let others read it, and see that it stands on it's own. I get a little tingle up my spine. It is like giving birth again, but alone. There is nothing wrong with that, but you sure better appreciate all that it took to get here. Celebrating a huge accomplishment in life is so rich and firm. It makes your heart soar and you see such air all around you. It is such a great way to express what is in your spirit and embrace living in the here and now.

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