Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brave and True

We must be brave to be an entrepreneur in a creative field. Our talent must always come through and speak the truth. If we try to do something that we do not believe in, it shows. This sounds like an easy thing to do and say. In a wonderful place like Columbus Ohio it is much less stressful than other places that I have practiced. I have the lucky position of doing work that I love, and being able to share it with people that believe in me and are willing to pay me to do it. I have had so much fun getting started in this thriving market. I brought a vast experience with me and honed it until it all fit together and is flourishing. I am very happy and fortunate to be here.

When designers are challenged sometimes they run away. It is easy to run away from confrontation if it intimidates you. Many people that lead with their art have a difficult time sticking to it when the client is a bit tough or the design challenge is beyond them. I find it intriguing with times get a bit more challenging. I like to find compromise and a happy client underneath it all. I like to dig through it and make it work. Most people think that designers do not compromise. Most people think that to work with a designer means that they are in charge and they must give up their own ideas to adapt to the creative side of someone that they hire. This is true to a point. But to us that thrive on client satisfaction, this is just not our style. I am true to my art. I will not do something that will not ultimately look great. But oftentimes listening is the most difficult task. We all have different ways that we communicate. Taking the time or the step back to really listen and understand someone else is crucial in the process. When we do listen we usually find common ground. We usually find a truth that we can live with.

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