Friday, February 19, 2010

Getting on With It

Seems like most people that we meet in business are pretty clear about their initial intentions. It is later, when we meet obstacles that people become unsure and unsteadfast in their approach to problems. Design is one of those areas that proving oneself is a necessary part of the relationship. Often we must have successes in the early stages of a relationship to gain the momentum to be respected and eventually revered. I am quite used to this set of rules.

In my past life, in practice in Michigan, my reputation was better established and my voice had more impact. Today, I find that joyfully I am starting some of that over. No fear. I enjoy the proving of my talent, as much as the design process itself. I am a natural speaker and enjoy the communication aspect of design. Watching the lights come on with a client is a joy forever.

As we earn the confidence of our clients, and begin the real work on their home, their office, their hosptial or their church, we get to enjoy the fruits of our labors over and over again.

Design for the masses is of great influence. It encourages people to live better, move better through their environment and be able to keep it clean and well maintained. There is always a method to our madness of specifications, details and placement. Clients typically understand this after one small installation. The stage becomes set to do good things. Getting on with it.

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