Sunday, October 18, 2009

Well Composed

We have talked about the value of a nurturing space to sleep. We have talked about making it zen for your life. I wanted to share with you what makes my sleep space in my life ZEN for me.

In the midst of life trauma, sometimes memories are the surest soothing that we can seek. Photos and mementos of our life can overwhelm a house. (think Grandma) When treated as art and displayed is artful ways, they can define a life lived well. I have large studio portraits that are truly art of all of my children. They are framed in cherry and depict a time of my life that I will never forget. They do not make me sad, they help me to keep perspective on change, growth and love in my life. I have airbrushed all the family portraits that included my ex and he is gently removed. When he stared down at me, I felt uneasy and sad as if he was in the room, reminding me that it was different. With him removed, I just remember the children that day, posing, complaining, and being silly all during the photo shoots. They DO define me. They knew me when I was stern, working hard, striving for excellence in our robust family, taking time to fix everything that was broken, sleeping little, loving constantly, and never ever giving up on anything.

Today the photos tell me to take it a little easier. Stop and listen when my children speak. Give them time to express how they are, feel and perceive me. Not focus on creating a life, but living a life.

I also have a huge cabinet with glass shelves set at about 5" apart that display all of their little clay, sand, yarn and shell art. I have a shelf for each child that depicts their personality, their bold use of materials, or their unbridled imagination. Some of the pieces are broken, or in a stage of falling apart. Some of them have their names scrawled on them in a 6 year olds hand. Some of them are undistinguishable, as to what they are, or were. But all of them are priceless. If you burned down my house, those little clay figures are what I would save. They are beyond darling. They are my kids. Someday, if they insist, I will give them to them. But until then, I will look at them last before I sleep, and thank my angels and my God for the moments in my life that they have given me to enjoy all the little things. All the beings that grow, change and become themselves with just a sliver of input from me.

Isn't this world just amazing.

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