Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Summer Salute

On such a warm and special day, I wanted to take a moment to salute the passing summer and give her a rich send off. I enjoyed the 70+ degrees today. Found an excuse to sit in the convertible with the top down and read a new arrived book for an hour. That is rare for me. I just simply decided to slow down, relish the feeling of being warm and sunny, and have a good read in the middle of my afternoon. Hugely indulgent for me.

This summer was one of great professional accomplishments for me. I enjoyed the company of so many amazing clients, accomplishing interiors that suited their lifestyles, met their budget and challenged them to see an expanded view. I got to know more areas of Columbus. The city just keeps opening up to me (being a Michigan transplant is not always easy on this Wolverine)
and offering me more and more experiences that are not taken for granted.

Recently I had the pleasure to work with an extremely giving family. They focus on giving back, and doing it in very personal ways. They teach their children that with privledge comes a tremendous responsibility. These kids have been working in holiday soup kitchens since they could toddle. It is the way that the kids appreciate their holiday celebration with a humble understanding of the rest of Columbus. Their home has been a wonder for me. I challenged myself to add to their lives. My part in their home is growing, and I am actually seeing the fruits of my labor and involvement change the patterns of how they use their spaces. More cuddle spaces. More light and morning time to reflect and direct the day for busy professionals. More cozy family spaces for coming together and sharing the days events with each other. It is so much fun to actually see the interaction get better and better supported by the right furniture and the right placement for how they live. We accomplished alot of these changes this summer. We worked inside and outside. And now as the warm days are waning and the days are getting shorter, it is interesting to watch the lighting in their home change. It is getting more inside oriented and intimate. That transition is nice for the time of the season. I always get hugs from their children as I arrive at their home. They are loving people and the home shows this.

I appreciate the chance to make a difference.

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