Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bali Orphanage and School Update

The birth of the Annie Grace Foundation for the Children of Bali is almost here. I have been researching information about what is necessary to do to establish an orphanage and school in Bali Indonesia. There is so much to do, but my load will be lightened by all of the people that are coming forward offering to help.

My aim all along has been to serve all children of Bali, with a focus on the underserved Hindu children that seem to have the largest need. I am hearing so much about the struggles of female children and young women all over Asia and am just beginning research into how pervasive that problem might be in Indonesia. If need be, I will shift my focus to reach out to those that have been affected by human trafficking or kidnapping. I am here to serve those in Bali that have the most dire need, and those issues will be searched out and discussed with all of those that are lending help.

The book "Half the Sky" by Nicholas D. Kristof offers many connections for those starting schools in Asia and Africa. I am contacting him to open dialogue into what some of the largest needs are for women in Indonesia. He is a seasoned veteran of these causes and a Pulitzer Prize winner for his work on this cause and his writings with the New York Times and his own books. He writes with his Chinese/American wife and serves this cause with she and his children.

I met with my family physician today and she had insight into other research materials that may prove fruitful in my search. I am a student of this process and will proceed slowly and judiciously to make sure that my efforts serve the most need.

My Mother accompanied me on a trip to Bali about ten years ago. She was captivated with the children of Bali and befriended my friends instantly. The school and orphanage are named in her honor, as she has taught me about love for children with how she has loved her own six children and her multitude of grandchildren selflessly and tirelessly. Annie Grace is worthy of this tribute. Bali awaits.

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