Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tis the Season

Fall and winter are totally my busiest times of the year.

Everyone just kind of wakes up and realizes that they need to get ready for the holidays, and it almost assuradly includes something to do with changes inside their homes. I welcome this "going inside time" and think it is part of the Midwest nesting process. I do it too.

Almost all of my clients have contacted me in the last four weeks and I have added at least 10 new projects to the mix of work that I was already involved with. I think that Columbus is a miraculous place to live and work. We are all lucky to be here.

From Home theatres, to Master Bedrooms, numerous dining rooms, countless living rooms, family rooms, guest bedrooms, and of course kitchen changes, the tempo has certainly picked up in Columbus Ohio. That is not even mentioning my Michigan clients. Christy Collection Inc. has blossomed into a firm of creative thinking, and achievement faster than I dreamed possible.

As we venture inside, remember to take stock of outdoor rooms, and garden areas and prepare them for more brutal exposure. Bring in all cushions, cover and enclose grills, or remove tanks or gas connections and store them inside. Remove draperies, accessories (candles, lamps, area rugs) that might not deal with freeze and thaw real well. My screened in porch is a haven year round. It is a favorite kids hang out (I think it is because it is kind of away from adults) and has to stay in tact, rain or snow included. My decor (as you know) is fairly bullet proof, and I will test it one more time.

Garages need to be cleared out, garage sale time, and snow blowers prepped for winter and kept at the ready. Cars need to be able to be stored inside so that you can get in and be toasty right away. Nothing makes us more upset than having to scrape ice or snow off a windshield because the car does not FIT in the garage.

This is a great time to donate extra acquired goodies to the shelter, habitat for Humanity, or church bazaar, as everyone is getting ready for holiday fundraising for people that sincerely need our help. Remember that most of them will give you a receipt for a write off, and it feels so good to help others.

I am heavily engaged in Holiday Decor and start installations at the beginning of November. My calendar is booked this year. It will be an amazing season.

If you need holiday cheer, stay tuned. This company and my family have alot to be grateful for this year and we will be looking for ways to give back. Join us.

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