Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clients Become Such Lovely Friends

The nicest thing about residential interior design is the amazing friendships that are a result of it.
It is true. Don't laugh. Those that have survived the design and construction of a new home are laughing right now. Thinking of the countless hours of decisions, pouring over samples, deciding the least of evils, and finally, absolutely claiming the house as your own. It is wonderful how strong friendships evolve out of the sheer terror of building your own home. The designer (your guide to the new galaxy that you have entered) is your trusted liasion, your best friend and your endless supporter in this process. If you ever needed a friend, this is the time.

So today, in my quest of being ever grateful all this month, I want to salute you. My appreciation runs deep for the client that is brave, in the face of uncertainty. Strong when your whole family is freaking out. Humble when new products are introduced at market and the search begins again. And most of all laughs at herself, when maybe just one or two details are misinterpreted and the too large light fixture is installed, or the too intense of paint color is painted. Don't freak out, it is all the process.

The integrity of a designer is measured in the number of clients/friends that are intact AFTER the project is done. That is what we live for.

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