Friday, November 13, 2009

Being Grateful Every Day in November

This concept was presented to me by one of my 500 friends on Facebook. Practicing being grateful every day of November. This focus is a good one. I have been aware of being grateful for a few years now. Being grateful for the good in bad situations. Being grateful for progress, maybe not always perfect, but progress is something to celebrate for it's own sake.

So now that November is almost half over, I wanted to reach out to my fellow bloggers and talk about the state of Grace or Gratefulness. Sounds easy, and it really is. Recently when driving with a dear friend, a car careened across 270 towards us, almost going sideways. As she slammed on the brakes and started screaming, the car passed behind us and hit the guardrail behind us. I spoke softly " Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for protecting us." My
friend started laughing. To be grateful when your life flashes in front of your eyes was a new concept for her. Of course, my attitudes about life have always amazed her. Being fearless. Never waivering in my pursuit of design excellence, no matter what. Living a full, joy filled life continually without regret, or sadness. Those are all steadfast goals and ones that I hold dear.

So when we got to the restaurant or the store or whatever our destination was, I took a moment and whispered a small prayer of thanks again for the beautiful moment of - SURVIVAL and HOPE. And I also said a small prayer of thanks for my dear friend and her strong skills at life
and embracing the moment. Just help her find inner peace, I prayed. And next time, let me drive.


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