Friday, December 11, 2009

Challenges only Brings out the Best in Design

When you ask yourself "what could I have done differently?" when there is a technical question on a project. When all the experts around you analyze it and say that you did all the right
things, but there is a tech glitch, you don't actually feel better, but it makes you strive to still avert problems just like that in the future.

The technicalities of design are what separate the self declared/self taught designer and the true design professional. I can go back to a professor or a tested skill and draw on basic truths and start from there. An educated designer is capable of pulling from history that other designers may not have. Worth the fees paid and the design time compensation? Hopefully we are worth our weight in gold. We like to think we are. Our proof of that is shown when the client is happy and the problems become beautiful solutions in our projects.

Lighting, data, and sound. These are the three biggest challenges for designers. All are moving targets of new developments, different manufacturer approaches, and sound education paying off. I love CEU training and absorb all that I can find. Online class CEU's are great. They challenge us in our own design studios and give a chance to learn about issues and developments that might challenge local reps and local talent. I love the continual growth in my field. I love the challenge of keeping abreast of all of it and staying above the fray. The proof of doing it well always lies in the final success of a satisfied customer and a problem solved.

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