Friday, December 25, 2009

May your heart find Christmas

Blogging is so personal.
My wish is that my clients all feel the special feeling of enjoying thier homes during the holidays. The area rugs are warming them. The wall colors are supporting all the family activities that find them these next few days. I wish that the furniture holds loving family and friends. I wish that the lighting lights the way to wonderful memories. I wish that the accessories hold nuts, and nutcrackers. I wish that snow ball fights erupt outside beautiful adorned entryways, and perfect kitchen doorways to the garage.

My wish for my clients is that I have helped provide homes that hold the best of their lives and will help them start off a new year with promise, purpose and love.
Happy Holidays to everyone that is a part of this life purpose.
You are all in my heart.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Mere Calm

This holiday season is the most rewarding and relaxing ever. As the last stocking is hung, and the last client is served, I stop among the clatter and remind myself to be thankful for such a lovely mix of wonderful clients.

We have enjoyed many firsts this year. We have worked in almost every area of Columbus. We have expanded our manufacturer offering ten fold. We have expanded our professional connections within the industry by astounding numbers. We have made very good friends. We have begun to really enjoy the culture of Columbus and have begun to see the huge differences between Michigan and Ohio.

We want to pause and wish all of our clients and our followers a peaceful and blessed holiday season.

As 2010 reveals itself we anticipate good controlled growth in all areas. We stop and relish the accomplishments of this year. We thank all those that have made this year possible.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Photographing Projects

Residential interiors are so personal. Some clients just don't want to share our
creations. Learning this has been interesting. Some of the most fun spaces cannot
be shared with the rest of you. So I learn to accept it as a compliment, and make
mental notes of why that is so important. We need to feel that our spaces are ours.
That no one will copy personal touches, or family focus. I kind of like this.

Recently I completed a Living Room for a darling client. She is in love with it,
her friends have made wonderful comments. She does not want to share it. I
guess I just don't blame her. A nurturing little respite is pretty, well.... private.
Why let just any designer tuning in be able to copy us and make it theirs.

Privacey is one of those things you just don't mess with.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Life Well Lived

Inspiration in design can come from many things. I find it in people mostly, but
oftentimes it is not the person, but the ideas that they bring to the relationship.
I love the challenge of hearing a story and maybe thinking a different way than I
might normally feel because of their perspective. That is the essence of a good designer,
it is listening and interpreting the goals, comforts, desires and perspective of your client.
Then we communicate it with our tools that we have at our fingertips.

A client that is evolved, has lived a life full of art, travel, love, reaching out to others,
and is still doing it everyday with splendor and charisma, now that is a joy to behold.
Discovering the special aspects of their lives as they settle in to a new place and unpack
boxes with quips of "I don't even know where we bought that" bring a joy that is hard to
describe. I am so lucky. To get into someones head and feel what they feel, and then
find that there is more to discover. What joy. What creativity.

I always feel that I have so much more to learn in every aspect of life. I always feel that
everyone has parts of them that are onions with small layers that may be shared or may
not be, depending on the respect shown. When people are open and welcoming and willing
to share their well lived life, I almost feel humbled by it. So honored to be welcomed in.

This season of sharing has so much meaning for me. It is the sharing of a well lived life,
a painting, an antique, a ceramic piece with chips and smudges in the glaze. It is not always
perfect, but it is so worth the effort.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Not to Brag, but............

Okay. I have to say it. I have been involved with a dream client and a dream project. We enjoyed some installation happening today on this project. Details, details, details, and yet that is what makes interior design sing. I was reminded over and over on this project.

Arts and Crafts meets urban energy. Watching furniture delivered that totally pulls rooms together, selected under a July sun in Goodale Park and yet speaking perfectly in the interior of rooms pulled together in many showrooms, our studio and on site. This space speaks to me of health, positive people energy and love for each other. It is a liveable happy space. The darker tones calm. The wood excited (hickory, what did we expect?). The textiles, details, tile, marble, granite, inlays, paint, all joins hands and embraces us with a life well lived and now celebrated.

I am so proud to be involved with Rick and Peter to bring their home to life in Columbus. The Short North neighborhood is lucky to have you. I am lucky to know you. Happy Holidays to all that have made this project pull together and support two lovely lives.

Challenges only Brings out the Best in Design

When you ask yourself "what could I have done differently?" when there is a technical question on a project. When all the experts around you analyze it and say that you did all the right
things, but there is a tech glitch, you don't actually feel better, but it makes you strive to still avert problems just like that in the future.

The technicalities of design are what separate the self declared/self taught designer and the true design professional. I can go back to a professor or a tested skill and draw on basic truths and start from there. An educated designer is capable of pulling from history that other designers may not have. Worth the fees paid and the design time compensation? Hopefully we are worth our weight in gold. We like to think we are. Our proof of that is shown when the client is happy and the problems become beautiful solutions in our projects.

Lighting, data, and sound. These are the three biggest challenges for designers. All are moving targets of new developments, different manufacturer approaches, and sound education paying off. I love CEU training and absorb all that I can find. Online class CEU's are great. They challenge us in our own design studios and give a chance to learn about issues and developments that might challenge local reps and local talent. I love the continual growth in my field. I love the challenge of keeping abreast of all of it and staying above the fray. The proof of doing it well always lies in the final success of a satisfied customer and a problem solved.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Columbus Ohio Design Mecca

Okay, so when I moved here I envisioned calm, peace, and a chance to get away from tyranny and pain. But what I did not realize that interior design is so accepted and welcomed here. I could not be happier.

As the years blow by, and I am given so much opportunity for wonderful work with strong themes, amazing clients, and appreciation for what I do, I remind myself to be thankful and aware of the differences that are presented everyday.

Michigan, and design in Michigan is fraught with delays, disapointments, budget cuts, recessions, employee layoffs, spending freezes, hiring freezes, and downsizing everything from design budgets, to allocations for basic needs. When there is a dip in the auto industry, everyone else suffers. So we suffered alot. The auto industry has been on a ferris wheel, not a roller coaster for some time. When I left in 2005, there was no design industry to speak of. There were many designers that were teaching aerobics, selling financial planning packages, and doing real estate. But design, I did not see any since 2003. I am not a quitter, and giving up is not my thing. But I do know when there is no heartbeat, and when to fold em (as they say).

Moving here was more than an adventure. Moving here was a rebirth, and an awakening. I get to see myself as I truly am. Not just as a survivor, but as a creator of life, joy and dreams again.

Christy Collection Inc. is an expression of happiness and rebirth. I have so many talented and genuine friends that I have had the pleasure of getting to know since I have been here. Many of them are clients. Many of them are involved in the "BIZ" somehow. But alot of them are just people that I cross paths with at Starbucks, the fabric showrooms, and service providers to the trade. We tend to feel as if we are building something together. It is a great feeling.

As 2009 comes to a close, and I get to pause in a hectic and crazy schedule, I want to just remember how hard we all work to get here. And when we are here, we should feel it, smell it, and enjoy it. Just for now.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Interior Design with a Grateful Heart

This past month has been a whirlwind of design meetings, drawings, color work, presentations, ordering, processing paperwork, receiving deliveries, and creating beautiful environments. I have never seen so much beauty happen in such a short amount of time. My thanks go out to all of the people on the team. I could not have done much of this without you. Especially Monica, the guys at Columbus Easy Move, and of course my dedicated internal team.

We are heading deep into the holidays, past Christmas cut off dates, and right into January installs. Many projects have determined that the next phase begins January first. No slow time this year, just more great work and more opportunities to share the fun of all of this.

I have some new projects starting this week. I am grateful for the chance to help others.
ASID has their holiday party on Thursday night to honor all of the folks that made the New
Horizons Project possible. This is their night. We all applaud the unsung heroes that made it work into the night for a month and more. We are so proud of the press coverage that Karen James obtained for this project and we are all collecting the Capital Style Magazines to save and pass out to our mothers. Hopefully alot of the contractors are coming to the party so that we can thank them for the difference that they all made in these women's lives.