Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Design Reflects Life

My clients are happy people.  I don't know if I just attract them, or if they attract me.

We design happy spaces together.  I find that the more design work that I do, the
happier it becomes.  Color is becoming more important to my work.  Playfulness and
the fun aspect of a space are beginning to be equal to function.  

I am learning that coming of age in a design practice means being able to take a few more
calculated risks.  Playing with texture, color, pattern and light.  People like to live in playful 
spaces.  People learn to smile more and open up to more design for designs sake.

As designers we are all teachers in one way or another.  We teach about balance, focal points, color pops, weight in a space.  But now I realize that the most important thing that I teach every day is to not take the space too seriously.  To have fun living in it.  To change it up when you feel the need.  To live in it with a happy and cheerful existence.

I laugh alot and smile alot while I am working.  It is not really work, but the rest of the world thinks so, so I will go with that!  My work is play.  My work is expression and loving the elements that make the whole process alive for me. 

All of the above reasons are why I will be a designer until the day that I die.  I will die in the saddle, as the cowboys would say.  It is like breathing fresh air.  It is like falling in love.  I never want to stop.  It is a life gift.

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