Monday, June 18, 2012

The Whirrr of Lawnmowers is Breaking my Concentration

The beauty of having a home office / studio is not lost on me.  The distractions that come with the territory are just "part of it's charm" as an old friend would say.  I am five minutes from 75% of my clients, and the other 25% are just worth the drive.  I have all of my resources at my fingertips over three levels.  I have my warehousing of accessories, and smaller items a stones throw away.  Need I go on?  I know you all get it.

The pitfalls, are of course with the territory.  Lawn mowers, other yard equipment seems to be whirring all hours of the weekday.  During school breaks, my house is usually full of noise, and carving out concentration spaces can be difficult.  I manage it, and actually enjoy a little background noise.  Being able to have lunch with my family is GREAT!  Running errands when the noise level exceeds workable, is always a help.

New Albany is not exactly unique for the business owner.  It is a bedroom community essentially and being here, working and launching most of what I do from here, is somewhat unique.  I appreciate the beautiful surroundings, and the ability to work 24/7 in a safe and beautiful place. I have had a studio in the Short North, and parking alone was challenging.  The energy of my own space and my own rules is good for my business.

Summer can be a distraction to any business.  But the business of design can actually be fed by the more laid back attitude.  And the kids being around makes me lighten up and remember what all of this is for.  

So go ahead, landscapers.  Make your noise.  I do not mind.  I am just here, nose to the grindstone and ear to the ground.  After all, there is something to be said for knowing everyone's gardeners scheduled day, and pattern for lawn care.  They are just outside my windows and I can just about set my watch to what goes on.  Life is not only about seclusion and concentration.  It is also about being in the moment and the the scent of a fresh cut lawn.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kitchen Design

Articles about inexpensive kitchen remodels are prolific!

We all know that if we can live with our existing cabinets (with their current layout
or a new one) we will save the largest percentage of our budget.  Replacing doors
and hardware is always a good idea if budget is a concern, and you can live with a 
reconfiguration of them or as they are.  

I do love the idea of adding a walk in pantry to an existing layout by bumping into an 
adjacent room (if this works in the layout) and the small cost that represents to the over
all design.  That is a good application of space vs. cost.

It is also always a goal to add upgraded appliances and stone counter tops.  There is no inexpensive way around these two upgrades other than doing an accent area (such as an island) with stone, and leaving the rest, or using poured concrete.  I caution you that concrete 
sounds like a great idea, but there are many horror stories of cracking concrete months
after all the contractors are gone and the sinks are mounted.  

One way to attempt to address the upgraded appliances option is to watch for discontinued
models being sold off from distributors at lower prices, or watching sale sites like eBay or Craigslist for removed appliances.  Of course there is danger with these options as you might
get a non working appliance with no warranty, or even a piece that is not what it is advertised to be.  I know many people that have sold appliances that they have removed from their kitchens during upgrades, and they were honest about their shortfalls.  But not everyone is honest and 
you take that risk when you go that direction.

To most people, nothing speaks status more than a Viking or Wolf range.  The higher BTU's alone will send most cooks drooling.  If this is your passion, you may have to budget for it, and only do the project when you can afford to do this.  I personally feel this way, so for me, the appliance budget in a kitchen leads the total budget.  I believe that real cooks live and die by their appliances.   

Plumbing fixtures such as sinks, faucets, and water filters may be able to be changed or added a later time.  These may be less of a priority because of this fact.

I love kitchen design.  And I especially love doing a blue tape footprint on the floor and encouraging the client to walk the space, and make sure that there is enough room to open drawers, doors, dishwashers, and microwaves without getting in each others way.  Practical examples like this help us move through the trauma of all new everything without warning of what compromises we are making for the overall design.  

2012 - The Summer of Accents and Color

Everyday designers are asked what is the best way to get started on a new interior design concept.

There is not a universal answer, but there are some guidelines.

Wall color has the most impact to get started.  It is usually the least expensive, unless you are using a faux treatment, or wallcovering.  If you start with the color in the new space that will be your deepest (but not dark) or your strongest ( but liveable) you will have a huge start in the process.  

The next element is usually upholstered pieces.  I am talking about main pieces.  Think bedding in a bedroom, or main lounge pieces in a living room or family room.  If we are talking dining room, usually the table will give you the most impact after finishes.  From there we focus on accent pieces that give it the punch, the freshness and the surprises that create the look that is your goal.

Case pieces are usually the most expensive, and the strongest bones of an interior.  An accent piece that is oversize, an accent color, or the most interesting detail of the room gives you a huge bang for your buck and makes the room look more established.  

I am a huge fan of case pieces.  They are where you get the "old money" stature, or the "I am a closet designer" status, or the "I know exactly what I am doing here" reality!

The most precious pieces that people own tend to be case pieces that are handed down from generation to generation.  They are the ones that stand the test of time.  We also need to note here that they are the ones that are not typically sat on, spilled on or actually LIVED on.  They stand at the edges of a room and survive the impact of life.  They become our family antiques or our treasured pieces.  

I always start an interior project with the color scheme, the depth of texture, and the budget.  We work it from all directions.  If we have a small budget, we are honest about it.  If it is a strong area, meant to impress, and the budget is stronger, we are honest about that too.

Most people want to establish the look of their home at the front door.  When working in Michigan I always heard that Ann Arbor was a city of Entry Dazzle.  That every office or home in Ann Arbor understood that concept and grabbed your attention at the front door.  Often (I have heard) they did not venture beyond that point, but I would never be the one to point fingers at anyone's direction of concept!

As you begin your project remember the biggest starting points:

  • Be honest about your budget.
  • If you want strength of intent start with stronger wall color
  • Main upholstery pieces are next
  • Accent pieces follow
  • Case pieces give you the bones for longevity and overall strength

When clients actually execute window treatments (more decorative in nature here) and art from the budget, you know that they get the concept and are willing to trust you to finish the plan.  
Which is always the nicest compliment that I receive.

Happy designing on Fathers Day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Remember That Fun Element?

Another fun day in the Design World!

I had the pleasure of picking up two "tufts",
as I call them.  Too darling to be ottomans.  Too
girly to be called anything but TUFTS.   A tuffett
to rest a silk slippered foot!   Love these darling
pieces for fun spaces with girl time attitude!!

I will be sharing photos as we do our rounds with photography next

Stay tuned for the visuals to go along with this!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Looping Around 270 on a BEAUTIFUL Wednesday

I had a pretty busy day with my design practice today.

From client meetings, and ASID luncheon and CEU, to drop offs and pick ups, my day was a huge logistics event.

Being busy is nice.  Being effective and on point is better.

I find that Columbus is an extremely easy city to navigate for meetings with clients.  I always hope that I will be on time, not need gas at inopportune times, and show up with my focus on the project at hand.  This is usually not a problem.  Today was an exceptional day.

Color has been the most stimulating topic of conversation with my newest clients.  

Everyone wants to be ahead of a trend, and yet not appear trendy.  
Color is the one area that is always fun to explore.  By introducing new and innovative combinations of color into inexpensive finishes (paint - accents - lesser expensive focal points) 
we can have fun with a direction and not invest the college fund in getting started.

I typically will pull a color scheme based on paint, textiles, and focal points.  The bones of an interior come in the larger pieces that tend to be the more neutral factors in a space.  The largest upholstered pieces tend to be more neutral, or the deepest shade of a strong color scheme.  By using the deepest shade on a larger piece a space is instantly grounded.  It give us an opportunity to play with lighter tones in a softer hand and lets us create drama around the deepest tone.   

If this seems lost on you, I suggest that you look through the interior shots included on this blog and on our website at   There you will see what I am speaking of.  I always know when I have it right!  Those are the rooms that speak when you walk into them of unity and freshness.  I never get tired of those interiors.  They are my favorites.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Design Reflects Life

My clients are happy people.  I don't know if I just attract them, or if they attract me.

We design happy spaces together.  I find that the more design work that I do, the
happier it becomes.  Color is becoming more important to my work.  Playfulness and
the fun aspect of a space are beginning to be equal to function.  

I am learning that coming of age in a design practice means being able to take a few more
calculated risks.  Playing with texture, color, pattern and light.  People like to live in playful 
spaces.  People learn to smile more and open up to more design for designs sake.

As designers we are all teachers in one way or another.  We teach about balance, focal points, color pops, weight in a space.  But now I realize that the most important thing that I teach every day is to not take the space too seriously.  To have fun living in it.  To change it up when you feel the need.  To live in it with a happy and cheerful existence.

I laugh alot and smile alot while I am working.  It is not really work, but the rest of the world thinks so, so I will go with that!  My work is play.  My work is expression and loving the elements that make the whole process alive for me. 

All of the above reasons are why I will be a designer until the day that I die.  I will die in the saddle, as the cowboys would say.  It is like breathing fresh air.  It is like falling in love.  I never want to stop.  It is a life gift.

An Industry that Just Keeps Growing and Changing

The best single thing about being an interior designer is that our industry changes every day.

From Green environments, to Non Toxic environments in less than five years.
From Wrinkle Free textiles, to Natural Organic textiles in less than two years.
From Mega Mansions, to Small Living Spaces, and back to Mega Mansions in 
less than two years!

I am certainly not complaining about any of this.  It keeps it all interesting, feeds the challenge
of staying educated and at the top of your game.  I love to learn.  Research and fact finding
is at the top of my professional list.  The challenge of doing something that no one else is doing
has always driven me to become better and better at what I do.

I have always taken classes in International Studies, as the world has become flatter and more
reachable.  With the Euro crisis, and the Middle Eastern crisis all happening at once, the world just got extremely flat in no time at all.  Design is influenced by all of this.  As the world is more accessible people want their interiors to be indicative of the whole world.  An international focus with textiles, materials, accessories, and overall trends.  Christy Collection International is involved internationally with the newest introductions from leading designers worldwide.  As textiles, and furniture trends change we are at the top of the food chain.

Stay tuned!!  It is only getting better and better.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Stop Working SO Hard, It's Summer!

Okay, so we all get accused of this - right?  And we never know how 
to answer.
I mean, work is work.  When you are an entrepreneur, it just kind of goes
with the territory that you work harder than most!   But somehow, it never
seems like work!

Oh sure, we have our moments.  But design can hardly be considered work.
I mean, it is CREATIVE.

So I do not call it work.  I call it summer expression.
It inspires me to do my best work.  These beautiful sunny days.
These lovely sultry nights.  It creates a fire inside me (like a summer
fire pit does) of smoldering ideas, and igniting flames!

I love summer.  And mostly I love to create in summer.  I love the textiles
that celebrate it.  I love the colors that imitate it.  I love it when nature is brought
inside and we get to live in it, and snuggle up around a small piece of it.

So celebrate summer your way.  And I will CELEBRATE it MY WAY!!!

It just brings out the smiles and the laughter in every situation.  So bring on
the s'mores, and the long walks on the beach.  Bring out the family that never
ends, and the long days.  I am so ready to express all of that in my work.  Because 
remember.  It isn't really work at all!

Get Ready for New Interior Images!

We are long overdue in photographing about twenty projects.

This happens in a busy and involved firm like Christy Collection International.
We are so busy in design, installation, searching for new sources, and updating
our current ones, that we just don't always photograph really great work.

But next week is the week.  I am setting aside time.  I am enlisting the help of a great 
photographer and hopefully we can start whittling away at this huge list of wonderful projects that we have completed!!  

Very exciting times for us.

I was asked yesterday if I ever sleep.

Good question!  Complicated answer.
(you might not be ready for this one!)

My almost waking hours are filled with design solutions.  If I have
a perplexing problem, but actually "sleeping on it", I solve the little
things that nagged at me when I was awake.  There is something about
twilight sleep that just agrees with the creative brain.  Things become clearer
and options present themselves.

It is really important for me to keep a notepad by my bed.  Not jotting something
down that was pretty monumental is a mistake.  Sometimes in the light of day and
the alarm, it can be forgotten.

My most creative color schemes have come to me in my sleep.  The most interesting
layouts.  The more intriguing storage ideas.

Must be something about a clear and rested mind.  Must be something about emptying
the clutter from your day and really thinking about it.

So now - tomorrow morning - as you awake.  I challenge you to stop thinking and let
your brain wander through your house, your office, or your second home.  Wander and
experience it as a new visitor.  Let it fill your mind with images and feelings that you never
see when you walk there.  See if it looks different.  See if it looks new.  A solution  to a
problem may present itself.  And you may have an answer that you never imagined!
Happy Summer to all of my fabulous clients!

As your thoughts turn to family time, and down time let
me remind you of something important.  Take an inventory now
of projects on your mind.  Think through costs coming up for interior
work for the rest of the remaining year.  Budget your goals for holiday
improvements, and end of the year changes to your home, vacation home
or office.

By doing this now, as kids are begging for your attention, or just disappearing
to the pool, you have a break in the action and can actually plan your expenditures
through the down times of summer.

You may think this is cruel and unusual punishment for a harried summer
home owner.  After all, you are outside more, and inside less.  This is exactly
when it is the easiest to see what needs improvement.  A bit of distance gives
you clarity about how spaces are being utilized and how they can be improved.

Remember it is much easier to paint, drywall, and remove finishes when doors
and windows can be open, or the family can escape to a second home.
It gives contractors much more flexibility which lowers prices.  When it is
easy to do a project, everyone benefits.  YOU get a better price. They get
fewer obstacles in their way to completion.

So stop what you are doing. Make a list of what needs change or improvement.
Enjoy this list by the pool, or on a beach.  Stop for a moment and think of your
living spaces, working spaces, or escape havens!  Improve it, and use it better.

And call us first.  Let us help you organize your work, and plan your changes.
Your designer is good at this.  We can help you through the rough stuff and make
it all seem so easy!

And then you can truly enjoy your summer!  Fall will be here before you know it.
Christy Collection International is launched!
As our manufacturers expand to global ones,
and as our projects expand to Europe, Asia,
and South America we found it necessary to
update our company to reflect our new focus.

We are designing healthy environments all over the world!
We are actively involved in design projects in the US (primarily
in Ohio, and South Carolina) and opening offices worldwide to
serve a growing and expanding population that appreciates all that
we offer the world.

Come watch us grow, and change to stay current, fresh and up to
date with all that is changing in our industry.

We lead the design profession in healthy, non toxic interior solutions
for residential, hospitality and healthcare.  We make a difference every
day that we work on this planet.   WE  make it easy to do business
with a world wide company.  YOU make it fun to do this.  YOU make
it worthwhile by growing with us and changing the world.

Watch our publications change and influence more countries worldwide.
Stay fresh and new.  Stay with us on our journey.

Challenge us to serve your needs.
Trust us to be a part of your lives.
Share your wonderful families, employees and guests with us
and we promise to change their interior experience forever.

Thank you for being with us every step of the way!