Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Living PURE / Clean

I have been told that PURE / Clean design can be boring.  Many designers feel too controlled by the problem at hand and choose to ignore it or choose solutions that ignore it.

I absolutely agree!  Everyone knows that being creative when there is a challenge is much more complicated than being creative when the every option is a good one.

The first time in Interior Design school at Kendall College of Art and Design when we had a real client and a real budget everyone complained.  All of a sudden the twenty thousand dollar sofa that we wanted to use on the project gave way to a maintainable product from a major manufacturer with real specifications of long term wear and long term servicability.   Reality had snuck up on us and it had won!!

I always felt that having real problems to solve was much more interesting than making up scenarios of the perfect family living in the perfect suburban house with the perfect behavior in place to live in anything that I concocted from my own imagination.  All of a sudden, I found my calling.

With this new endeavor of helping solve real problems in an interior environment that has become much less than perfect - I feel challenged to not only solve the problems, but get designers to actually pay attention.

Design 101 - Flashback.
Interior Design is all about who is using the environment.
Interior Design is all about the end user being able to afford the solution.
Interior Design is all about problem solving.
Form Follows Function - Always.

As we specify interiors that contain no VOC's and are breathable and livable, we are reminded of the above concepts.  Our environment is like a living organ.  It creates off gassing of toxic fumes and can affect the person living in it forever.  Our duty as educated, certified, and licensed interior designers is to create beautiful interiors that are also healthy.  We did not take the Hippocratic Oath, but as professionals "we must first do no harm" and follow our physician friends into doing the right thing even when it is not the easier thing.
Watch this blog.  Read it.  Follow it.  We are introducing topics that are helpful and healthy for interiors of today.  We hope to make a difference in the lives of those who live in our interiors.  We hope to help designers to listen and to care enough to change old habits and think about health as well as beauty.  They can live together.

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