Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Healthy Design Moves More Mainstream in the US

Entering a newly designed and furnished space and smelling NOTHING, is very rare. This is what happens with the Certified Healthy Designer is in charge. What we equate to a "new car smell" that we used to find exciting, takes on a whole new meaning when new carpeting, window treatments, furnishings, finishes and accessories add their own "new smell" to the mix.

We all know now that it is the off gassing of Volatile Organic Compounds and Formaldehyde that create the smells that identify anything as new. Unfortunately, it is not a good thing. As our manufacturing processes have moved to Asian countries, compounds, and raw materials have become cheaper, uncontrolled and unregulated. The cheaper the compounds the more of the above agents are used. It has resulted in health concerns for many of us.

This usually manifests itself first in irritated eyes, upper respiratory problems, breathing difficulties, and may cause many other illnesses. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been linked to it. Asthma, autism, rare cancers, polyps in the nose, lungs, and bronchials, pneumonia symptoms, and labored breathing. People that work in the housing industry complain of headaches, nausea, unexplained skin ailments, and respiratory problems first. It is suspect that
cancers occur later after these compounds have invaded our systems for years.

The only answer is awareness. Many of these products now carry warnings required by our government. Many do not. It has just been ordered that brass products imported into our country carry warnings because of the amount of lead content in the brass. Imagine the surprise when you open the door to your new house and a warning stares you in the face saying "this product should not be touched by those that are pregnant or plan to become pregnant".
The reality of this warning is a dire one. How many things in our environment have the same
VOC content but have not been legislated yet? More such labeling is to come.

As the public becomes more aware, the Certified Healthy Interior Designer insures that all products in the environment being specified by them are held to a "0" VOC and Formaldehyde
standard. It is the gold standard for the informed consumer and the informed design professional.

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