Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pick up, Sort Out and Clear Cobwebs from Spaces

Ever wonder why people have yard sales? I have never understood it. I am a big donater, and prefer to use unwanted articles to help those that might benefit from them. But recently I started to understand this "yard sale" mentality as a process of letting go.

By putting a price tag on our old things, our memories and our discards, we reinforce to ourselves and to others that they are worthy of considering, and of value to purchase. When I donate the same articles that others might sell, I never see the joy of someone getting them. I never see the face of discovery as they "come onto them". Maybe that helps the giver to let go of it, and think that it is part of someone elses life. That might just be easier for them to do.

I have never been a pack rat. When I am in the early stages of design and my programming phase is in full speed ahead momentum, there usually comes a time when the discussion of purging and cleaning out is brought up. This might be when I bring in a professional organizer, or a Closet Designer to help with the letting go. Image/Wardrobe consultants are also very helpful in this concern. Alot of clients have a difficult time letting their possessions go. Pretty soon the closets are well designed, and bursting at the seams again. There must be a process that we always adhere too where we just let go, over and over again. When you donate items that still have tags on them, it is a sure sign that something is out of kilter. When pack rat sees that they instantly put it back in the closet and treasure more.

So professional organizers, Closet Consultants, and Image Consultants thank you for stepping in and making this process less painful. I do not know what I would have done without you during my tenure as an interior designer. We tend to like to keep collections, clutter and prize possessions displayed tastefully and not in an overwhelming sort of way. You make us look good.

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