Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Making a Difference, One Goal at a Time

When ASID Columbus Chapter won the National Award for Community Outreach 2009, just last week. I think we were all kind of stunned. In the actual analysis of it all, the whole project, though consuming was really not difficult. It was just 100 volunteers coming together to change the circumstances of 4 women in Columbus at a time. Not such a huge endeavor. But when you stop to think about it, the residents change every 6 months. So our little project influences 8 women a year in Columbus Ohio. Add the other two townhouses that ASID did in previous years and that multiplies to 24 women a year that we help EVERY year, forever. Now the numbers start to get more interesting.

I have recently begun a pilgrimage to convince HGTV to let us do this Nationally and have a show that focuses on our giving back through ASID. I am emailing them continuously and asking for the chance to make a difference. So far, I do not have a contact person, but do not intend to give up this idea, or this chance to make the multipliers soar!! Just focus for a moment on helping 24 women a year in every major city in the United States. Just us. Just ASID. That is no longer "a drop in the ocean", but a strong trickle of giving back.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Interior Design in Columbus Ohio is EXCITING

Interior Design and it's influence is amazingly important in Columbus Ohio. Recently rated in the top ten of the best big cities to live in, Columbus is home to many noteworthy interior design projects and firms.

A city of it's size is usually dominated by large architectural firms with subsets of interior design. That is not really the case here in Columbus. Interior Designers that are members of ASID are clearly the most influencial and educated. They make up the majority of larger firms all star cast. Small single firms are populated by designers that have hung out a shingle with a particular interest or craft. This happens routinely in a state with no licensing in it's legislature for interior design. It can become a problem if the public sees all designers as equal, in spite of education, experience, and vitae. CEU's have alot to do with keeping designers current in their industry. ASID offers many CEU courses all throughout the year. It was mentioned at the first meeting for ASID in January, that you could obtain all of your required CEU credits within the first four months of 2010 by just attending our regular meetings. A nice part of belonging and qualifying as a professional member, is the high standard that you are held too as a professional.

I enjoy the ying and yang of living in Columbus Ohio as a designer. Typically a larger city will house many reps that travel the area to other firms. This is particularly true of Columbus. Most of the major reps live here and travel to Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo and all the surrounding areas. Since they nest here, we get supported by them routinely, which is really nice.